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Nezir Myrta / Ethymology of the name - german

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Nezir Myrta / Ethymology of the name - german Empty Nezir Myrta / Ethymology of the name - german

Mesazh  Orfe Fri Feb 06, 2009 11:43 pm



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Etninomi is nomi ethnic name of an ethnic nation.

Word - etninom, which determines the ethnicity of a people or ethnic names, nomi ethnic Greek composite is not (as is said til today), which consists of two words - Ethnos = nation and onoma = name, but is simply a Illyrian composite, which explains the old Albanian original. Greek word - Ethnos as determination for the people, is illirishte original question, which consists of the word - ethnically-a, etėn (gegen-Albanian), the sum number of the name - at - etėn (ether, fathers), which formed from the name - at, the Albanian word - and from home shumėsi name stemmed English word - etėn, while the etėnve in a country inhabited, convened - a-ethnicity, the country's ethnic etėnve (fathers), which formed the Greek word - Ethnos = people, just by adding sufiksi - os, the Albanian word-Illir. While the second word kompozitės - nom (nom + ethnicity), the Albanian question is krejtė-Illir, which formed the Greek word - onoma = name, by adding strands - o, and fundesa - a (o + nom + a) , where fjaja - nom-Illir Albanian, is the determination of the highest name, that we have in terms of the old Albanian today: nom has filani ba, nomi divine, (name of owner, does great work) , Lane has nom Sokoli MIC (has left a great historic name), has left Halit Nom Asllani (historical name left by tank fire on the enemy, Nom war has left Kosovo (left historic name), left nom Abdyl Frasheri Sylejman Vokshi of the League of Prizren (they left the historic name), fell today nomi divine rain, snow has dropped nomi divine, / EBU hajt that s'u ba nomi (does not work that great, when someone wants to gratulation) etc.. Where the word - nom is Albanian-illirishte and without contest the composite - etninom is by etymology Albanian.

Etninomi is the name of an ethnic ethnic community, a province or a state. This word in Albanian etninom say, as etnonim (etnonime), while it lost its authenticity, when the word is composed entirely Albanian. Regarding etninomin writes E. Sejdaj in the book 'Etnonimi Arberia-shqiptar'-in greqishten old, people will say - Laos, (meaning the choice of the people of God) and demos (with the meaning of the political organization of the people), while Ethnos, marking more people of foreign heathendom .... " Now, when the Greeks say that word - Ethnos, marking more foreign nations, pagan, they hold their own in the Greek name for the Greek people - Ethnos, while the word - Laos, qenka for God's chosen people? Why not say, Greek Laos, but - Ethnos Greek? This argument that the word itself comes Ethnos, indeed, not qenka Greek, but qenka illirishte, said about the 'barbaric' and no word jogrek Laos, not pėrkiska Greek people, because the concept of 'people of God' was up pellgasve 'Pellgasėt divine 'calling Homeri hillir as in' Hilliadha of Odhisea '(Illiada The Odyssey') and the chosen people were divine and pellgasėt Illir - that its ethymologjia the word is by word - hilli, illi (God), which is defined Truhelka mistake by researchers and approved by others, it is vijka ethymologjikisht, the expression 'of the Illyrian-lirė' when gjiithė world emphasizes sound - ll, Hilliricos, Hilliricum, Hilliria, Illir, Illyria. Its starting to sound a word - Laos, is - llaos with - ll, without sufiksin - os, which is for hyll, lla (Illir llama), light hynore, where sound - ll, formed in almost all languages meaning for IE light (sll. Svetla, ang. Light (llajt) and - lla (os) is Illir llama (light Illir), which today is spoken English name - llamė (ndezna it llamė - Albanian old - it ndezna light).

Formation of ETNINOMIT

Etninomi - as nom ethnic ethnic name - german, according to all those articles of researchers who have written to Mr nomin works derisotme is strange, as there remained the name derisot without ethymologji sure! Now, question: is there room left for another attempt to ethymologjinė name - Germany athua and does not dijtėn does not deshten to determine derisot this name?
Usually, people etninomet was given in two forms: vetthirrja of people with a denomination of vetemrim and others around for a nation. In the first case, are very vetemrime, emėrtuan the peoples themselves but by others known to etninome other, based on a scientific leader who leads etninominė - Etnilogjinė General. Whereas in the case of the second denomination of others for a nation, usually made on the basis of some specific criteria, based on different aspects of historical, sociological, psychological, geo-historical, political historiko, genetic, genealogical, etc.., that people and shumherė these etninome, shkencėrisht was not determined, because their was ethymologjia other sources historio-linguistic. Etninomet original, were psycho-physical nature, genetics and professional people, which related to the names of ancient sites, if names of plants, trees, birds, animals, stars, social situation, metals, treasure, mentaliteteve, characters, Genetics, gjenealogjisė, professions, antroponomeve, toponomeve, hidronomeve, etc. epinomeve. Such examples have (not all are represented here), with ethymologji safe as the current label are etninomet:
Dardan (pear, tree) - dardhanėt / Albanian (Albanian, shqipojė) - Albanians / Alban (alb, black) - Albania, Dalmatian (delme, sheep - Albanian-Illir) - delmatėt-Dalmatia, mollos (apple, tree) - mollosėt, Illir (Hill, ill, star) - Illir (Illyrians), pellgas (pond water - basin pellgas, not pellazg) - pellgazėt (pellazgėt) /-Arba Arber (Ban-field makes the field, doing field) - Arbana, arbėrit, Armenian (mind-guns) - Armenians, mollan - Moldovan (apples, Albanian-Illir) - mollanėt (Moldova), part of Dakisė with sufiksin thrrak - dava-city) / thrrak (thrras, thrrajk - Albanian-Illir verb) - thrrakasėt, Serbian, Srp Shqip (serve, hook) - Serbs, Hungary (Hun, asian tribesman name) - Hungarians, german (letters) - Germany, Austrian (Royal East - Ostereich) - Austrians, Danish (Dana, tribesman behalf of danakėve) - Danish / Norwegian (nor veg-vegu north) - Norwegian, Belgian (Belgium) - Belgian / Roman (Romul, antroponom) - Romans, Gaul ( Gaul, gala, dark - illirishte) - daw, Italian (Italy, ITA) - Italian, Slovak - Slovenian (sllova = letters) - Slovakia and Slovenia, French (Frank, honest) - French, English (engle, engjull) - englezėt, English, Romanian (etninom given by the Romans), Bulgarian (Ball - black, Ballga-Bellga, river, hidronom) - ballgarėt, bardhgarėt (Bulgarian), Turkish (rampage there was turrka, Albanian -Illir) - Turkish / epirot (of pyrite, pyrite, with drinking, Albanian) - epirotėt, spartian (spartim, shpartim handicapped children with psycho-physical) - spartianėt, athenas (destiny, said, verb Albanian-Illir) - Athenians, Trojan (of land, the trollit - Albanian-Illir) - Trojanėt, Indian (Hind-tissue, hidronom) - Indian, American (Amerigo, antroponom) - Americans / Hungary (Hun, tribe Asiatic) - Hungarians, Slavic (Slavic-glory, greeting the last before the dead) - Slavs, Arab (arap, ten deep - pellgasishte) - Arabs and others.

All these have etninome these ethymologji safe - as are determined fairly shkencėrisht derisot, this remains jovetėm those people in question, as scientific leaders, the Euro-world level, to determine without a political ideology, but in truly scientific framework. Main factor for naming a etninomi its history is true that people with the original source, whether from aspeki: geo-historical, sociological, psychological, genetic, genealogical, etc..


Etninomi - german, denomination is fiseve German general, who marks the name of a community of people of a state, from which flow toponomi - Germany, as the name of spreading world, that today the German people, vetthirret - Deutscher (dojēėr) more sense - the kthjelltė, clean - and toponomin as geographical name - Deutschland (Dojēlland).
Historically, the Germans are known for several different etninome fisesh as: theuton, Prussian, Goth, alleman, german, deutsch as vetthirrje, while according to other peoples called: from Latin - theodiscus, the Italians - tedeschi (tedeski), the French - allemand , by the English - German (xhermėn), by Russians and Slavs - njemec, etc. nemac. As its name - such as Germany Taciti Roman historian says, work in 'Germany', "word - Germani, which is more prevalent in the use of external, is still without ethymologji safe", where authori about 50 near the Germanic tribes space north of the Danube and the Upper East Rajnės until further Vislla River. All of these Germanic tribes Taciti summarizes the three major tribal groups: Saxon, istveon and alleman, from which stem tėvona etninomet: English, French and alleman. Thus was formed the three nations with Germanic languages, taking into account the spread of fiseve in the Euro-Germanic north, where the term - german, became as epinom and general linguistic label (Germanic languages), for some people Euro-centrist.
For ethymologjinė name - german, I think that the course of linguistic denomination for sound abecedik written - letters, shkrola Illir - lettering, letters, where the distinguished name of the frame - characters, was added sufiksi - n (n + letters) and stemmed etninomi - german. In this regard theori evidence left by many historical, linguistic, and historical fonetiko, geo-genetic and genealogical, especially from the Meaning of the name of the German tribesman - theuton, theutonėt (Teuton), as a genealogical connection with Illir and stress that the Germans could have illiro seed-pellgazgjik immediately after Albanians and Germanic languages are derivatives linguistic illirishte - immediately after the Albanian, Balkan, where the Albanians have been confirmed - and illirian direct descendants of Albanian as the direct successor illiro-pellgasishte. Considering that thousands of Albanian-rooted ilirishte today are Germanic languages, where its researchers and historians Teutonic, agreed that the old Albanian on its linguistic roots, has the power to label archaeological explanation of European crops, from the inscriptions The cemetery mesape, paune, Etruscan, venete, and to lashtėsia ethymologjike also explaining the Albanian names perėndive the European antikuitetit of PIE.


Ethymologjia name - german, from ancient illirishtja, reminds us of the ancient Germanic tribes, as theutonėt, where its name - theuton, associated with Theutėn Illir (230 - to 228), where after the fall Illir under the Roman conquest, a vital part politico-military and intellectual time shtegėtuan toward the European center to the north, forming among the ancient Teutonic hermionėve, their tribesman - theuton, based on its name - Theuta (Teuta) etninom as new -- theuton and his tribesman - theutonėt. However, this ethymologji antroponomike linked with the linguistic history, the ancient sites with linguistikėn genetic antikuitetit the world, with Thotin Skip, as the founder of the first hieroglyph formuluese the first abeceve world - associated with the immemorial Thotishten, where its name - Thoti, ethymologji is Albanian, which flow from the Albanian verb - says, (its third njejėsit to the grammatical vetorit Albanian - says (he), that no other language can not explain (Arabic-Tehuti, gr. Thothos, lat. Thothum, ang. Thoth, ger. Thothus, sll. Toti-us, etc.).. Where, its word - theuton, relates to the Albanian-Illir with verbal meaning - the, the Albanian (the-to, its second njejėsit grammatical, the vetorit of Albanian), from Arabic - Tehuti (the male name that has meaning - Thoti) taking the title for gender femnore (Thehuta-Tehuta), where we drop the sound medium - h, and remained - Theuti (male name) and Theuta-Teuta (name women), which was formed through the verbal back-Albanian Illir - the, as the male label, denomination of German tribesman, etninomi - theuton.
However, foja Albanian - the (states, say), with flow from the immemorial thotishtja Albanian, who formed the label jovetėm topographic (Athena said so.), But formed antroponomet: Thomas, Themida (God of Justice), Promethe (hajni of zarrit who stole perėndive for bėmirėsi humanity), Thanai, Theofil (Son of God), Theodor, Themistokli, Thomson, Thetis (heaven Illir ēellgazgjik at sea, which formed in Albanian word - sea (theti, the you), with dryshimin of sound - th = d; Theofrast, Theofan, etc. Theoman. But jovetėm so, the Albanian verb - the, the thotishtes (pre) history, formed the label's main orthodoksizmit, from the root of the word consisting of - ortho + doks, meaning - right says (right said, with justice, fair doks from paradoksi - states), which stemmed the denomination for its supernatural power, which relates to foljen illirishte - The - Theo (the-you) - God, according to whose behalf the Latin emėrtuan the composition of a Germanic name fiseve General - theodiskus, which the Italians say how distorted the original name of forimit the title and throughout the course of his language ie, as the Italian word for nature Germans today -- tedeschi (tedeski). Albanian verb - The (saying), formed the word of Parma - Theo, as many strands of kompozitave orthodokse: Theology-ue-et-s,-the theologjik, theologjizimi, theologjizma-t, theogonia, theogonike, Theogon etc.., - and formed the label's religious culture - Theologjia (Teologija, sll.).
Based in view of the nature of religious denomination - theodiskus, this designation was intended nėntekstin the Latin saying: Mr disk - if the European hudhur in heart, by alleging the Germanic tribes as a form temperamente logic visionary for the protection of religion in the Europe (as is the same purpose today, but more indirectly). Theodiskėt, theutonėt were, in general terms, where according to their Latin, they called, as one of the most ancient Germanic tribes.
This was a contribution historiko-linguistic, enlightening explanation according to Albanian, the name - theuton and its essences theologjike, providing a safe ethymologji its naming of the word - theologji - Theologjia, where the Albanian verb - the, formed kompozitat euros World-general of the religious aspect of science in general as: Theology, theologia, theogoni, theza, say diotheza, parantheza, hipotheza, protheza, metatheza (which in Albanian are quite original - the za - the voice, the voice, voice the) others., which labels the Slavic languages, not hand them qitur sound - th, say with - t (theologian, teologija, themes, thesis, metathesis, hypothesis, prostheses, bracket, dioteza etc.)..
In connection with etninomin - german, was not random and German-Albanian connection, but felt spiritually genetic link - genealogical, where they were Germanic sudjuesit more worthy of the founders of the Albanian and Balkan linguistic science to Albanologjisė, who are known as stars Albanistikės: GV Leibnitz, J.G. Herder, Thunmann, F. Bopp, Ksilander, Feldmeyer, G. Meyer, Momsen, Kerchmer, Fromer, J. Hahn, P.R. Franke etc.. But when should pėmendur linking genealogical researchers archaeological Teutonic, confirmed shkencėrisht genealogical connection Albanian Illir by eksperimetuar with proof safe kafkėn with the Albanian illirit, strengthening shkencėrisht from Albanian pasardėsit direct Illir pellgazgjik. Germanic hope they were Albanians from the Balkan wars exterminator world, those who protect and mbrojėn blood culture ancient Albanian genealogical connection.

Edituar pėr herė tė fundit nga Orfe nė Sat Feb 07, 2009 9:11 pm, edituar 1 herė gjithsej

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Registration date : 02/11/2008

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Nezir Myrta / Ethymology of the name - german Empty Re: Nezir Myrta / Ethymology of the name - german

Mesazh  Orfe Fri Feb 06, 2009 11:44 pm


Word - Goth, which took the title, German tribesman gotėve, PET label as the name of supernatural power in Germanic - Got-God (God), where both names - got-god, jovetėm that are close fonetikisht - z = g, but we think that there is also the possibility of determining ethymologjik, namely, through the old Albanian. Word - got, the word refers to the old Albanian - gat (while), as pėrgjithėsimin sense for the supernatural power, as the name with meaning - gat, by alleging the existence of God amshueshme as understanding pėrjetshmėrisė, amshimit as power Creator of the universe, the universe - gat, gat to go (while) in his infinitekzistenca and glory of faith in the human person and of human religious belief. Lord as gatues of human creators who made ready to live on earth, he gatoi from dust, water and fire and made the man - as if cooked bread and everything in this world we gatoi human, to be more happy , happy, to have freedom of harmony and love to be meaningful. But, the Creator, as his birth gatoi human, he made gatoi even death. God is the Creator-gatuesi - Got gat. In Anglo-Saxon languages, is even closer to the Albanian word - gat - God (Gat), as meaning amshimi, gat - gatues - creative.
Word - gat, in the ancient Albanian expressions: gat weather / weather gat / gato bread / gat has dadha Bishti (when not seen the outcome of an action), have bread gatume (you ready), is gat is this way (long way), somewhat after the gat, zgat zo 'ksi weather (the last god happiness, love, harmony, freedom, etc.)., somewhat lshue the gat, gat goes this job, son is willing bread etc..
These expressions of ancient Albanian diftojnė for cooking, gatues who has gat the work of his creative action. Word - diftim, in the old Albanian, meaning preftimit of confessions, which shows the whole, but difton, through confession prefton markings, short singaleve in human memory, as seen in February of dream signs in February for its diftojnė human destiny. Both these expressions are Albanian signs, to recognize the truth of human life, that man should do first asked ourselves: why I live!
Understanding the Albanian word - gat, is nėnkuptimit Meaning of the Creator, ae has all the power of the universe in creation, has stamina - gat (while) in pėrjetshmėri, his power is - gat, theologjik opinion of the people, who believe in as is his word - God-Got, two Germanic languages, which differ only voice - o = a, in English.
Strands of the word - Goth, sound - g, is a different meaning, which is linked with fillesėn, sound - g, the word - german to three letters - g + o + t, and each have its philosophical significance. Tingulli - g, is a symbol of the earth - ge, the sound of the second - or is the symbol of the sun and the third - t, is the symbol of man. Courses in Albanian, differs only strands, sound - g = z, where the sound - z, in the name of god, is the symbol of zonit (zanit, voice), the meaning of the expression - zoni (illirisht, voice-zani - English, dialects in gegen the Toska), ie, understanding the expression Albanian name - god is: zoni-sun-man, (z-zoni, o-sun, t-man - god), while the Teutonic name - got-god, is : earth-sun-man (g-land, O sun-, td-man), as a form of diftimi philosophical nėnkuptimit the two names - a god-Goth.


Word - alleman as kompozitė composed of two parts of its (+ alle man), the meaning of the expression - the whole people (alle = whole, man = man, man, in Germanic languages), as the implication of the union of all fiseve a German, as unjisim, tribal unity in a joint state, as a joint German national unity.
Strands of kompozitės - alle (whole, whole) in the Germanic languages, was formed as the ancient indigenous empowerment general - al, the sound - ll, all, where the meaning of - fillesės - al, was the strands Arabic - al (al - kh * al = alkali, al-khuul = alcohol, al-chemistry-a, etc.). and the empowerment of fillesės - al, with sound - ll, formed the word - all with meaning - entirely, and all stemmed Arabic word for trust the Creator - Allah (Allah) meaning - Gjithėsor, as the Creator of the universe. And exactly this question - all, formed a meaningful word - whole, entire - alle (ger.), all (oll) ang. - Alle-man & all people, whole people, but in German meaning to the whole, all Germans, as the union of all fiseve in a state.

Whereas, the second of kompozitės (alle + man), the words - man, in German, as meaning to the word - man, husband, in kompozitė meaning to the unity of the entire German families. While the English word - man - men, (as man in terms of numbers of singular and plural name), note - Man, Men (mėnė-men) and to the title - one was, ger. Mench (mėnē), where the two Germanic words, associated with the word Albanian old - man (d), mėnē - Men (d), mind (the human mind, intellect), the denomination in the Germanic languages for the word - man, was made with nėnkuptimin of expression that defines the human mind and filozofikisht based on understanding, intellect, the man reached to become owner of the world and of all other beings - beasts in nature. Mind made the man, zotshpije, proprietor of the world! This is the purpose of naming - man - mench (mėnē), ethymologjik the meaning of the word - one man in the Germanic languages!

Word denominator for man - man, ang., / Mench (mėnē) ger., Ethymologjinė has the word illirishte - man (d), (man = man (d), the ancient Albanian srpehjet - Ki a man (d) , after the man (d), not just church ba, has been working with the man (d), the man (d) eating the world, no man (d) s'bahet kurgja, the man (d) The nxan leprin with Kerr and others. where fundesa tingullore of speech - man (d), the sound of the last brackets - d, not stated in the old Albanian, but legurzohet, enshrined fonetikisht merge with sound - n, also formed a sound - n, is close, palatal-dhėmbzor (dental) nazal (nose), known as the group - ND, the old Albanian, as we have in the Albanian words (guess, country, honor, perhaps, then, feels, god etc..), where only the Albanian spoken old note, while the distinctive sound (ND) does not exist in modern Albanian abecenė.

As in German, the word - mench (mėnē), also has ethymologjinė Albanian-Illir, which relates to the Albanian word verbatim - mėnē, mench ger .= mėnē (mėntsh) and English as if the sound is German - tsch = d, also in Albanian is - tsh = d - mėntsh (mėnē), motshėm = moēėm, kahmotshme = kahmoēme, the, the, the etshėm = eēėm etc..

We expressions concerning the Albanian word - mėnē: m'lujte mėnē (is talking a lot, making noise, etc.)., Dola mėnē had (almost distract), a Dole mėnē a? (a dement au?) / hajt bre, the hiqmu mėnē (largomu) / s'dij as pshtova without lujtė mėnē (not as dij Saved without dement), n'daē del mėnē, n'daē tranou, / more lujte mėnē what beauty (to distract), your eye on lujti mėnē, jah, youth are out mėnē Today, you t'luen mėnē, / etc t'luej mėnē.

Albanian word - mėnē, formed many other word: wise, the, the, wise-a, mėnēurisė, mėnēurake, mėnēėm, as an expression of the power of human knowledge, that word - wise, as the name, filozofikisht, differs from the word Albanian else - knowledge, where the wise man is capable of quick action, has the top-floor language, find solutions to the acute problem, his mind quickly and expects regulates itself, and the knowledge to regulate the world with universal knowledge.

Thus, denomination of the word - a man in Germanic languages - mench (mėnē), man, men, as the design capacity, the human abilities to master the world, with wisdom and knowledge, as with cattle brains, mind-tel, mind - thin, which shpon wire (say English), which determines intelligence - had originally ethymologjike illirishte, with explanation of the old Albanian ethymologji and it is certain facts, in all aspects of the possible nature of the existing old Albanian, as llirishtja new, which is today spoken in the Balkans illirik and in places where Albanians live, wherever remember Albanian language - the language of perėndive!

Lettering Germany

To strengthen thymologjinė name - german, with flow from the word - letters illirishte even more, can give even more evidence that has ethymologjinė to its word - letters. Albanian - illirishtja ancient PIE, once included in its gjiun all tribes illiro-pellgazgjike Balkans and beyond.
Word - letters, as the label for sound abecedik Albanian, known - letters Albanian, Albanian shkrola - formed by diftongu - ge, which difton an ancient PIE even further Dardhanusit, son of Thunderer (2690 - 2615 on), Zojsi Skip illiro -pellgazgjik. Diftongu - GE, associated with geo-linguistikisht gegen Dardhanisė of PIE, which is today a history and a historiography, aqė of errtė, the cover for our world, as genealogical connection with emėrtuesit of hidronomit - Dardanellet (jaws of Dardhanelleve dardhane) when dardhanėt illirian lie from Dardanellet with Hillioni flow from the land bank of hillire immemorial, that their emruan Albanian - land bank (land bank surrounded by high walls) - and by pėhapjet dardhane Danube River next to the Secondary, the North , beyond the river - Hiller (who is not a coincidence this label hidronomi with ethymologji hillirishte), and to mbretėritė the empire led Illir: Bardhyllus (385 - 358, Grabus (356 per), Pleuratus (344 for ) Kleitus (335 per), Glaukias (for 317), Bardhyllus II (295 - to 290), Muninius (280 per), Mytillius (270 per), Pleuratus (260 per), Agroni (250 - to 230), Theuta (230 - to 228), Pinnes (228 - to 217), Skerdillaidas (212 - 206, Pleuratus (197 per), Gentius (180 - to 168), which shenuam only as a recognition dadhane Illir Balkan illirik .

Diftongu - ge, difton place of forming the words: geo-dust, soil, Gea - God of Earth, Gua - guha, language, Gega - that this diphthong - ge, is the place of human responsibility, to recognize the nature and himself of his place of responsibility, or place of human language - ge, in the old Albanian is - gegen (gjegjė, responding) when the man answers human nature - gegen Gega (Gega gjegjet, answers), as the ethymologji name - gjegja = Gega, who gegen (gjegjet).
Diftongu - ge, as the germ geges (appropriate human), in the course of oral sound, voice, sound formed - r, as a mainstream voice through speaker power - m (s) and formed the label to the sound of language -- word (s), characters - ge + r + m (s). This diphthong - ge, several labels formed ie as was ege (Aegean-was), the gen-, gem-I, geniu (genius), Genial (genius), a geografi (geography), geometri-a (geometry), genetika (genetic), Genessis ( genesis), Genius (genius), etc.., which are words illiro-pellgazgjike.

German language (language Germanische) - expression Germany, where the word for the title - language - language (shprahe), as theorik linguistic concept, refers to the Albanian word - an expres​sion(expression of feelings, human expression, expressive words, explicitly, is the expression of strong, voices etc.. Words - language (shprahe) and expressions are a language illiro-pellgasishte, meaning the first expression of human nature and human. In Albanian grammar, word - an expression, as the name zgjedhohet in case the name of Albanian : expression, of / the / expression, speech, expression, of speech.
Albanian expressions: you express in words, expressed in song, expressed my feelings, expressing sincerity, expression of satisfaction, or dissatisfaction, expressed better, he has an expression, expressed my opinion (the dhashė, the qita outside the mouth), with expressions of good man wins, said it thought that started, expressed some opinions concerning language etc.. These expressions show the link ethymologjike the Albanian word for the title - language, concept and in German - German language, expressed in Albanian - German expression.

In Germanic languages, are today a lot of root words of the old Albanian, that, if taken in the way of these languages radical fono-morphologic forms without Links Parma and last, as if sufiks or termination tag on nature such of these languages - linguistic essence in general, will be a deltaic nature so close to the old Albanian, that only Albanians who knows well the history of Albanian and the Germanic languages - dota see a general European languages wider.
Word-illirishte Albanian Ancient - co ^ m (s) - for the denomination - one leg as gjymėtyrė (kamba-gegen, Toska-foot), which today is spoken by the Albanian veriout the dialect of Gegėnishtes, has a tenor of shmė formation of very large kompozitave Indo-European world today, helping to light the history of Linguistikės General.
This question - co ^ m (s) (coma, with a sound - or, illirisht, not quite nazal, nose, which in Albanian bjen written a very big change from the original expression of it - co ^ m – kom – si kuptim i ecjes sė njeriut (eca ko^m, a je ko^ma me makinė, erdha ko^m etj., si shprehje edhe tė sotme shqipe), kjo fjalė – ko^m (kom(ė), formoi nė shqipen fjalėn emėrtuese pėr kombin (nacionin) – kom (komb), komi (kombi), komtar (kombėtar), qė dha shumė fjalėformime tjera shqipe: komitė, komita, komitėt, si lėvizja komite, shkomi (shkėmbi), shkomtarizmi etj . Por kjo fjalė shqipe e lashtė – kom(ė) - kom, si – com ie, formoi paradoksin e fjalės sė parme tė shumė kompozitave gjenerale - com – sikurse janė: komunė, komunarėt, komitet, komunikacion, komunikim, kominternė, komparative, komunikues, kompreor, komparacion, komandė, komadant, komasacion, kombajn, kompresor, kombinim, komedi, komentim, komentues, komercial-e, komercialist, komfor, komisionar, komision, komitent, komunizėm, komo-ja, komod, komodinė, kompakt, kompleks, kompas, kompenzim, kompetencė, competent, kompilator, kompilim, komplikim, kompjuter, kompleksial, kompetent, komplikuar, komplikim, kompliment, kompllot, kompostim, komplet, komplementar, komplikacion, kompozim, kompozicional, komposto-ja, kompozoj, kompradore, komunikatė, komshi, kompresė, kompresoj, kompromentim, kompromis, komunal-e, etj… qė nė gjuhėt germanike ėshtė fillesa e fjalėve me tingullin – c(k): commune, comitte, comunikation, comunitet, community, cominterne, comparative, communist, communitet etj., sikurse fjalėt shqipe, qė fillojnė me fjalėn e parme – kom.
Pra kjo fjalė e hershme shqipe – kom(ė), koma, si emėrtim anatomic, pėr gjymėtyrėn – kėmbė, kėmba, nėtė gjitha kompozitat i.e., tė shenuara mė lartė, ka uptimin e ecjes, unitetit, njė bashkimi elementesh, qė figurativisht konkretizohet kompozita me fillesėn – kom (com), qė ėshtė kuptimi I ofrimit elementar, tė subjekteve shoqėrore, politike, shkecore, fetare etj., nė njė kombinim elementesh tė mundshme pėr njė verpim tė caktuar, qoftė shoqėror, edukativ, politik apo shkencor – pėrmes ecjes kom(ė), ecurisė sė verpimit praktik.

Pra gjuha ėshtė tė shprehurit e njeriut pėrmes tingujve, diftongjeve, rrokjeve e fjalėve tė renditura syntaktike nė fjali e periudha. Gjuha gjermane ėshtė shprehja e njeriut gjerman si – shprehja germane.



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Registration date : 02/11/2008

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